Mental Health, Wellness

Control Psoriasis Symptoms by Boosting Immunity | Health


Psoriasis seems to be a really difficult skin condition to manage, as there is no known cure. The best thing to do is to control psoriasis symptoms so that the patient can live more comfortably and go on with daily life. Learn about this chronic skin condition, how it is related to the immune system, and how you can boost your immunity better.

What is Psoriasis and to Control Psoriasis Symptoms

Psoriasis is the topic of a recent session of Wellness Wednesdays — a Facebook Live talk show. The guest speaker was Doctor Sarah Balba-Cabodil, a dermatologist. “Psoriasis is a chronic skin infection that develops through a complex relationship between genetics and the environment,” she explained.

Among the common psoriasis symptoms are rashes, scaling, dryness, itchiness, and even bleeding.

Despite how the skin looks, psoriasis is not contagious. It is a skin condition that is connected to the body’s immune system and its inflammatory responses. With psoriasis, the bodily systems become hyperactive and anything that triggers the immune system can cause psoriasis to flare up. This includes stress.

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~ Psoriasis flare-ups can be very itchy to the point of being painful. ~

When a person is stressed, the body releases an outpour of pro-inflammatory proteins. Psoriasis makes the body extremely reactive to stress, which results in the immune system’s hyperactivity, heightened inflammation, and an increase in visually obvious psoriasis symptoms.

Psoriasis and Mental Health

If a person has psoriasis, he or she is prone to suffer anxiety and depression. Despite what other people may think, the patient is not imaginings things. This vicious cycle of stress and mental health problems affects a patient’s everyday life and relationship with the world.

There is a need to tackle both stress (mental health) and psoriasis because each condition makes the other worse. The cycle must be broken from both ends.

Working on Overall Fitness

Those who are suffering from this skin condition must make their overall health a top priority.

Foremost, it’s important to follow the doctor’s recommendations and to take advantage of the many treatment options and approaches available today. These are all designed to stop the itchy cycle of inflammation so that the person can go about his or her daily life unhampered.

Secondly, stress should be managed. It is important to remember that stress is part of living. But when a job or relationship is causing more stress than gratification, then perhaps bold steps should already be taken.

Lastly, the patient should build and maintain good health and fortify the body with food supplements. Essential vitamins like Vitamin C and minerals like Zinc should supplement a balanced diet.

Moreover, a good night’s rest and a weekend break to restore the body and mind should be part of a patient’s regular calendar.

Healing the Natural Way

As an additional recourse, there are superfoods that promote natural healing and strengthen the immune system. Dr. Cabodil said that in the natural treatment of this disease, “One very good fruit that I can recommend is the superfood from Brazil — Organique Acai. Since the main cause of psoriasis is the immune system, Organique Acai can help solve psoriasis problems by boosting the immune system. When this happens, the body will be able to improve the functioning of its immune system, and some of the psoriatic symptoms will slowly fade away,” the doctor added.

This is possible because of the high levels of antioxidants contained in a single shot of Organique Acai Premium Blend or a capsule of its freeze-dried form.

Tips to control psoriasis symptoms and also strengthen the immune system the natural way with Organique Acai Premium Blend.
~ The many antioxidants and vitamins contained in Organique Acai Premium Blend will help build the immune system and control psoriasis symptoms. ~

Organique Acai Premium Blend

Acai berry is a very powerful antioxidant and you can get its goodness from Organique Acai Premium Blend! It is made from pure organic acai juice and it is good for cardiac stability, increase in stamina, body detoxification, and even weight loss.

Psoriasis Help

If you have questions or need help with this chronic skin infection, you may contact – Psoriasis Philippines (PsorPhil) at +932 8926928. Email is It is the only Filipino group recognized by the International Federation of Psoriasis Association and the International Psoriasis Network.


3 thoughts on “Control Psoriasis Symptoms by Boosting Immunity | Health

  1. Very informative blog post. Never heard this kind of skin condition before (Psoriasis). Mental health condition is also big factor in this skin disease, it may trigger or worsen Psoriasis if you’re stressed. That’s why we need to take care our body and mind. It’s so good to hear that there’s some ways to prevent this chronic skin infection and it’s by taking everyday such beneficial supplement like Organique Acai Premium Blend. Thanks for sharing this.

  2. It’s good to know it’s not contagious and with proper care and medications, this chronic skin disease will not hinder you to function normally and be productive.

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