Many people know that I am a Christian and therefore believe in Jesus and the bible. Through the years of raising my children, there is a motherhood verse that keeps leading me. Know what that is.

Motherhood Verse vs. Anger Issues
While many people know that I am a Christian, what they don’t know is that I have anger management issues. It’s a long-standing battle and thankfully, my condition is much better now.
However, through the years, when I am tempted to lash out at the children, I am reminded of this verse from the Bible.
While some people may understand it differently and affect their lives in a different way, it has affected my views about motherhood.

Raising two smart, inquisitive, highly-talented, and very talkative girls while homeschooling in not an easy task.
I don’t get a rest day from them–unlike other families where children are sent to school. There are times that they can be too much on my nerves and I can get mad at them, not only at what they do.
But this is our choice and we love the flexible lifestyle that homeschooling affords us. We can travel any time and bring the children along without fear that they will be expelled for being absent for long periods of time.
That’s not good but I am still human. Though not perfect, I keep coming back to this verse. It’s my primary motherhood verse and there is a second one, too.
Read more about them.
Gentleness from Isaiah 40:11
“He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads…. those that have young. ~
Isaiah 40:11 NIV
The verse is like this but I don’t know this hit me as a motherhood verse. This has been my inspiration.
“He” refers to Jesus and He shepherds the lambs (the people, His children). He is like a parent taking care of children.

But what hit my heart the most is the next part, “He gently leads…” While the verse says he leads the “mothers of lambs” gently, that verse struck a chord in me — I am to lead my children gently.
It’s not about authority, pride, and control. It’s not about bending their wills and crushing their spirits just to discipline them and achieve MY goals.
It’s living a life of gentleness and leading them gently into making the right decisions for themselves.

Harsh Discipline
Oftentimes, I discipline the kids harshly, especially when I am already tense and just want them to stop bickering.
But it’s not about that. While we do impose rules, restrictions, and punishments, it should be done gently because they are kids who are still learning.
- Related: 4 Kinds of Learners
They have got to learn a lot about life and it’s up to us parents to guide them in the proper way.
Exasperating Children from Ephesians 6
There is also a second verse that has a great impact on me even while I still single.
“Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”
Ephesians 6:4 NIV
A lot of times, parents can get angry and scold their children. But honestly, a lot of those times that children have made us mad is because of our actions. I have chewed on this verse many times and thought of the ways that parents can anger children.

One of which is giving them contradictory instructions and getting mad at them for disobeying. But which one would they really obey?
Another thing is promising something, including punishments, and not carrying it out.
Parenting is Not a Walk in the Park
Being a parent is more than just providing for the children’s basic needs like food, education, and shelter. We are raising the next generation here. This means we are building the nation.
Our guide is mostly from the bible, from our Loving Father. And these two motherhood verses have really helped me in parenting our two daughters.

How about you? Do you have a motherhood verse, too? Can you share it here, too? <3 Please leave a comment below.
You have mentioned that parenting is not a walk in the park. If I may add, parenting strong-willed and smart kids is almost mission impossible. I can see that their strong will is something they will need in their future. And I don’t want that crushed. And I don’t want them to be just submitting, or succumbing to anything like peer pressure or be too gullible. Yet I want to lead them to do what is right and to choose what is right.
But I don’t know how to do this if we can’t really seem to control them. I am thinking that I should pray like I am hopeless. Or what if I am asked to do something but I am too deaf to hear that guidance. And I also fear that they will be grown sup soon and it is too late to train them in the way that they should go.
~Papa’s Thoughts
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this, Ms. Sigrid!
My little girl and I couldn’t be any more different. Where I’m prim, proper, organized; she’s rowdy, careless, messy! So you may well imagine how we clash at home, and yes, I get exasperated and lose my cool all the time. At some point, she has started calling me a monster. Not on my face, of course; she just wrote it on her bedroom door: “NO MONSTER MOMMY ALLOWED!”
I think self-control goes beyond ourselves. You can only do so much about controlling your attitude and behavior, but it takes real conviction to change. As a parent, this is really important. You always want to be the best version of yourself to set an example to your child. At this point, while I have to admit, I’m still on my way toward that most coveted transformation, faith is key. We all need something to live by—words, values, morals. The reason why verses are such powerful transformers is because we believe in the wisdom of the God who has sent us these instructions. We believe, therefore we are. And we can.
I think I have yet to find my “mom-verse,” although my own mother had me read “The Spirit-Controlled Woman” (Beverly Lahaye) and “Let me be a Woman” (Elisabeth Elliot) long before I plunged into motherhood or maybe womanhood. I always have those teachings to live by. “It’s the spirit that leads and the spirit that moves.” You can never go wrong trusting the God who can make all things good—even monster moms.
Thank you for sharing your experiences, Mommy Faith. You can do it! You are named, Faith, after all. 🙂 <3
This is very informative and encouraging for all the mothers out there. Keep it up.
Thank you for sharing Momsh Sigrid. That is actually the most challenging part of being a mother, on how we discipline, how to be a good parent. But i know we all did our best for our children.
Thanks for sharing this Sig. As a mom of three, I constantly remind myself to stay calm and battle positively the hurdles of motherhood and parenting. This is a lifetime commitment. Thus, it is also important to refuel one’s life and soul especially if it’s getting drained. Great motherhood verses to live by1
Most passages shows Christ’s love and care for his mother. Make no mistake: Jesus values the role you and I have as mamas, and He demonstrates the care with which we should treat the mothers in our lives.
Mommy Sig, the verses are so beautiful. Christian or Catholic, the bible is still the go to book of everyone to workship one God. Its sonics to have read your thoughts on parenting. Keep it up!!
Thank you for being inspiration to every mother 🙂 These bible verses are lovely.
Parenting is absolutely challenging especially now that I have a teenager. However, I positively believe with the help of family and friends I can be a good parent and guide my kids to be a better one of his generation
As a mother of 4 now, I can really agree that parenting is no walk in the park. There are also no tips on how to be a perfect parent. We have our hands full and we need to do things one step at a time. At times, it feels like we are about to lose our temper (and minds) but it’s just a matter of taking a deep breath and keeping a calm disposition (no matter how difficult it may seem at times) in handling our hyper active children 🙂
I salute you,Mommy and proud of your 2 amazing kids. My only son has Autism and he is 7. The journey is a “walk in Jurrasic Park” but I always keep in mind that God gave me my son because he trust me that I can take good care of him.
I also heard about homeschooling and was able to hear a lot of feedback about this program for kids with special needs. This is one of my goal for 2020.
Motherhood is a blessing. And just like any relationship it has its ups and down. The love unconditional. And we can really be guided by God’s words through the bible.
Parenting truly isn’t a walk in the park especially when you’re doing it alone. Will share this to my mom who deserves all the love in the world.
You are my answered prayer, Mommy Sigrid. I am teary eyed and my heart is crying out loud while reading this.
I also have personal issues from past experiences and learning to let it go because I know that it reall affects my character and it is overflowing to my hubby and daughter.
Everyday, I am praying for wisdom and knowledge on how to guide my daughter. I agree that I am afraid that my daughter will grow fast and that it is too late to train her. I am loosing my cool most of the time especially when we are preparing to go to school and it is all about fixing her hair – I am becoming a dinosaur whenever I fix her hair for the 8th time and she will just remove the pig tail and say there’s a bump or its not a perfect hair style at all. Wheew!
I am now digesting your bible verses and focusing now on being calm, gentle, and setting a good example to her as she is still learning and need guidance.
My motherhood verse: Proverbs 22:6 New King James Version (NKJV)
Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.
I love your verse, Proverbs 22:6.
Thank you for sharing your story Mommy Roxane. We all do our best for our kids, but sometimes, we just need a push and some encouragement. Glad this post helped you. <3
I’ve heard that when you become a parent – a mother more particularly- you become more prayerful. It’s not all about you anymore, most of the time. I’ve noticed this to be true, with our prayer group only made up of mothers. ? It may be becoz subconsciously, mothers are aware that the job requires higher powers (or a Higher Power) than a PHD or any training. ?
When we were little (and even til now ?), I get so impatient listening to my mother’s (and grandmother’s) long-winded intentions before praying our Holy Rosary. But now, I’m all attentive becoz I’m “starring” in them all the time. ? Til now, I hear her thoughts, prayers and concerns are about us, her kids, even when we’re long grown up.
I totally agree, parenting is not a walk in a park, I would describe is a walk in JURASSIC park. Seriously, parenting is a journey, we learn everyday and even sometimes we are amazed that we have certain qualities that we did not realize until we became parents.
Prayers has been my way in calming myself during the times that my patience tends to lessen. We tend to get angry, tired and sometimes confused. But at the end of the day, God never failed to remind us our purpose.
Thanks for sharing this mommy Sigrid, Ang gandang motherhood verse Po Ito from the Bible, very encouraging and inspiring.
Thank you mommy. May this verse guide you also. 🙂
This will also a guide for everyone, lalo na po sa katulad kong nasa Bahay na lang. Thanks for reminding us Mommy.
I love your Motherhood Verse Mommy Sig! Very encouraging & inspiring ❤️ Thanks for sharing.