
Make Your Own Elixir Water with Elixir2Go Crystal Water Bottle


We live in a modern world with so many conveniences brought about by innovations and modern technology. But in exchange, there’s so much pollution and garbage. In order to live a good life, we need to be healthy, safe, and strong. There are supplements as well as lifestyle changes that we need to employ. And one of which is drinking elixir water that has supposed to have health benefits. You can make your own elixir water at home with the Elixir2Go Crystal Water Bottle.

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~ Make your own elixir water at home and take it everywhere with you. Cheers to better health with energized water! ~

The Elixir2Go Crystal Water Bottle

Based on the logic about drinking drink gemwater every day, GemStone Well created a special water bottle to make easy access to gemwater.

The Elixir2Go Crystal Water bottle will allow you to make your own elixir water at home. Moreover, you can bring it anywhere you go and still stay positively hydrated. You can bring it with you on your errands to the supermarket, to the office, or at the gym.

The crystal water bottle is designed to vibrationally charge your regular drinking water with gemstone energy. And because of the unique design of the Elixir2Go Crystal Water Bottle, you can easily change the crystals based on what positive energy you need.

And the most important thing is, you can drink fresh, positively charged gemwater without the toxic effects of the crystals. That their unique design.

What is Elixir Water?

Elixir water is one of those homeopathic therapies believed to bring healing and good health.

It is one of the simplest and oldest vibrational medicines that you can easily prepare at home by yourself. Crystal elixir waters are waters infused with gems or crystals and then preserved in alcohol or glycerol. During the short time it takes for the infusion process to take place, the water becomes “attuned” with the gem or crystals with specific vibration. It’s like the signature healing properties of the crystal is transferred onto the water. (Source)

Health Benefits of Elixir Water

There has been so much interest in the health benefits of elixir water most recently. That is because people have recognized the importance of a healthy lifestyle, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.

So what can we get from gemstone water? Here are some of its reported benefits for overall health.

Revitalizes Our Energy

When water is infused with a crystal, the vibrations from the crystal reportedly charge the water with healing properties from the gemstone. In order words, the positive or healing energy from the gemstones gets infused into the water, much like what you would get from lemon-infused water.

The energy from the crystal flow into the body and repel negative energy. When you drink from a crystal elixir bottle, your health is recharged and restored to a balanced state.

Boosts Immunity

For centuries, people have been using crystals because of their inherent ability to restore any imbalances in the human body.

Crystals have a higher frequency that any other mineral on the earth. When combined with water, they bring rejuvenation and clarity for both the mind and body.

Water is vital in strengthening the immune system. It also boosts the functions of the heart function.

Since the body is composed of 70% water, using crystals with water boosts immunity and bring healing. 

Balances the Emotional State

Our emotions reflect in our physical health. When we are depressed or anxious, physical ailments appear. That is why it is important to have a healthy balance in our emotional state.

The energy from the crystals get transferred or infused into the water. So regular water becomes charged with positive vibrations that improve your physical and spiritual wellbeing.

Improves Concentration

Our digital lifestyle easily distracts us from our work, our family life, and even our long-term goals. We need to focus and channel our energies into reaching them.

Each natural crystal from the earth has unique healing properties. When infused with water, these healing properties are carried throughout the body.

Some crystals are known to increase inspiration and creativity through stimulating the brain function. These make you more aware, active, and alert in all levels of consciousness.

How to Make Your Own Elixir Water at Home

The process of making your own elixir water or gemstone water at home is made easy by the Elixir2Go Crystal Water Bottle.

You can make it in four easy steps and voila, you have your own 500ml of elixir water at your disposal.

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~ It only takes 7 minutes to make your own elixir water. ~

Benefits of the Elixir2Go Crystal Water Bottle

Take a look at the Elixir2Go Crystal Water Bottle and how it can be benefit you.

Change Your Crystals With Ease. You only need to unscrew the bottom cap and change the gemstones.

Safe Crystal Energy Infusion. The stones don’t touch the water because of its two-chamber design. So that means you’re always safe from consuming toxic water.

Beauty and Function. Each Elixir2Go is a constructed from high-density borosilicate glass and polished stainless steel caps. A glass barrier separates your water from the gemstones.

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~ Why buy the Elixir2Go. ~

Lifetime warranty. If the bottle is broken or damage, it will be replaced.

Use of Real Crystals. Elixir2Go only uses real crystals sourced from Brazil in their bottles. Avoid fake crystals made from dangerous and vibrationally dull resins, glasses, and plastics.

Bottle Protection. The quartz bottle comes with a protective neoprene sleeve to protect the crystal bottle. The sleeves also keep the high-vibe water discreet.

Why Choose Elixir2Go Crystal Water Bottle

There are many reason why you should choose the Elixir2Go Crystal Water Bottle. Here are the many benefits of this special crystal water bottle.

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~ Check out the form of Elixir2Go. It’s perfect if you want to make your own elixir water at home. ~

It’s More Alive than Regular Water

Each type of crystal or gemstone has different healing energies from the earth itself. Moreover, it leaves its own energy signature vibrating through the water.

It was discovered that different crystals have a specific effect on the body and they help the body to improve wellness. And this is especially true during the upcoming cold months and with the threat of Covid-19.

Positively Charged

The Elixir2Go allows anyone to charge their water or any other liquids using their favorite gemstones. You can do this in a safe and stylish way.

Easily To Personalize

As we live our day to day lives, we encounter different circumstances and experience different emotions. The Elixir2Go has a patented lid that allows users to easily change the gemstones in their bottles.

You can add or personalize them according to what you need without having to buy an extra bottles or overpriced sealed gemstone sets.

Experts Love It

Elixir2Go is the number #1 crystal water bottle used by naturopathic doctors and healers. They use this to prepare crystal elixirs using certified gemstone combinations.

Get One, Give More

Get one for yourself and give it as a useful and healthful gift for Christmas. With the Covid-19 pandemic, we can no longer undermine our health.

Their gift set is the ideal gift for the crystal healing enthusiast. Your loved ones will get to experience pure energy right out of the box. Each set includes:

  • 1 crystal water bottle
  • A complete set of gemstones
  • 1 protective neoprene sleeve

Gemstone water is one of the ways to promote health and healing. Get a bottle for yourself and give it away as gifts to the people you care about. This Christmas, health is the best gift you can give.

GemStone Well, gemwater, elixir water, elixir water bottle, Elixir2Go Crystal Water Bottle, crystal water bottle, gym, exercise, workout, perspiration, health benefits of elixir water, health benefits of gem water, toxic effects of crystals, crystal water, good health, vibrational medicine, crystal infused water, crystal infusion, mineral water, energy, positive energy, healthy lifestyle, boosts immunity, overall wellness, concentration, focus, family goals, work-life balance, How to Make Your Elixir Water at Home, Benefits of the Elixir2Go Crystal Water Bottle, crystal energy, real crystals, authentic crystals, regular water, drinking water, healthy water, naturopathic doctor, naturopathic healer, Covid-19, crystal water bottle price
~ Each bottle comes with a lifetime warranty. ~

Buy the Elixir2Go bottles in bulk to get a bundle discount. The Elixir2Go Crystal Water Bottle retails at $49.99. Visit their website:


Natural Lifestyle

If you can help it, go for more natural choices. That is true for all the things around us, like food, supplements, and the like.

Meanwhile, here are some things that can help you life a healthier and more natural lifestyle.


1 thought on “Make Your Own Elixir Water with Elixir2Go Crystal Water Bottle

  1. Wow..Ang galing Naman po nito..Ako habit ko talaga anh uminom.ng tubig mas magiging habit ko siguro sya kung magkakaroon ako nito..yay..

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