Breastfeeding, Motherhood

Lovingly Mama for the World Breastfeeding Month


World Breastfeeding Month

August is World Breastfeeding Month. How poignant it is because this month also marks my second daughter Shane’s first birthday. That means that I had been breastfeeding her for one whole year already!

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My family during the Milk Code Forum last August 29, 2014.

Breastfeeding Little Shane

This little one has her quirks. For example, while side lying, she would suck on the right breast for a little while but she would stay on the left breast. She would sleep while latching, too, but her sleep is co-terminus to the latch. If I get up, she gets up, too. When in the car, she wants me to let both my breasts out so that she can alternately suck and fondle both breasts while standing up. Sounds crazy, huh? hahaha

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The breastfeeding seminar I attended when Shane was two weeks old at SM Bacolod. Taken last August 2013.

So you can just imagine how I would look like to people in vehicles that are taller than ours because they could not see her–they can only see my exposed breasts. But I love her to bits and I love the fact that I was able to breastfeed her. I intend to do so until 24 months…or even more because of the benefits of breastfeeding.

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Shane and I at The Big Latch On — Hakab Na! Flanked by BMBC admins, Jireh (left) and Althea (right). We were simultaneously breastfeeding our babies.

The Big Latch On

This month of August, Shane and I celebrated the first year anniversary of our breastfeeding journey. We joined the Hakab Na or The Big Latch on 2014 for the World Breastfeeding Week on August 2, 2014 at the Santuario de La Salle, University of St. La Salle, Bacolod City.

World Breastfeeding Month
All the moms who joined Hakab Na here in Bacolod for the World Breastfeeding Month.

It is a worldwide event where breastfeeding moms gather at registered locations in order to simultaneously bring their little ones to the breast at 10:30am. The mechanics is that, the children will have to latch for an entire minute.

And thankfully, Shane cooperated with the timed activity. hihi This event aims to promote breastfeeding and raise awareness on the importance of providing proper support to breastfeeding moms.

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Participants of the Milk Code Forum here in Bacolod.

Milk Code Forum

On August 29, 2014, my entire family came to the Milk Code Forum (E.O. 51) with guest speaker Dr. Anthony Calibo, Child Health Division OIC DOH-FHO and a breastfeeding champion. It was attended by close to 400 participants. After the forum was the formal launching of the photo exhibit of breastfeeding moms by CM Fotografia where Shane and I are also included.

“The MILK CODE or Executive Order 51 (EO 51) is a law that ensures safe and adequate nutrition for infants through the promotion of breastfeeding and the regulation of promotion, distribution, selling, advertising, product public relations, and information services on artificial milk formulas and other covered products.”

World Breastfeeding Month - benefits of breastfeeding - normalize breastfeeding Bacolod - breastfeeding benefits for mother and baby
The breastfeeding photo exhibit by CM Fotografia that Lovingly Mama is a part of.

A Second Chance

I am just so thankful that I was able to breastfeed Shane–a second chance actually. That is because I had not been successful with breastfeeding with my eldest.

I am also thankful that there had been people and mommy friends who cared enough to help, which is the reason why the Bacolod Mom and Baby Club was set up. Furthermore, I am also thankful to old and new friends who have helped me in one way or the other with their prayers and advice.

Most especially, I am thankful to a very supportive husband who had been instrumental in all these. He did the research and readings, bought vitamins and supplements, gave me back rubs, gave me encouraging words, and the love.

But most of all, I thank God because I was given another child and another chance to rear her differently.God bless all breastfeeding moms! 😀

Note: Where not credited, photos were taken for the Bacolod Mom and Baby Club fan page. 😀


Just wanted to let you know that Shane is almost six years old now. She had just finished Kinder school from Bright Kids Preschool.


6 thoughts on “Lovingly Mama for the World Breastfeeding Month

  1. breastfeeding is something i really wanted for Jared but was not able to do, that is why i really doff my hats to all breastfeeding mums who painstakingly do it for their children. hopefully, i pray i will be able to breastfeed my next child! 🙂

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