Parenting, Schools

How to Prepare for Distance Learning This School Year?


It’s a new school year and because of the Covid-19 pandemic, students will most likely undergo learning at home again. You would think that your experience last year would have made you and your kids better prepared for remote learning. Unfortunately, getting back into online learning isn’t that easy, as there will again be new challenges. Here are some tips on how you can prepare your children, your home, and, most especially, yourself for the upcoming distance learning this school year.

Tips to Prepare for Distance Learning this School Year

While motivating kids to study was already challenging before the pandemic, remote classes take parents’ patience to the next level.

Sitting all day in front of a screen can be mentally draining and physically exhausting for the children. After all, that’s what many adults do for work, right?

So, how can you help your kids get the most out of their second year of online learning? Here are some eLearning study tips for parents who want to make the most out of a difficult situation.

Create an environment that is conducive for distance learning.

A lot of us have learned this the hard way last year. Not having a dedicated space for study means chaos for online students. Try to remove all possible distractions from your child’s desk, like toys or comic books. Moreover, make sure that they don’t see the TV at all while classes are going on.

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~ Have a dedicated study area ready. It is the first step to prepare for distance learning this school year. ~

A quiet spot is best but if that’s not possible, have them use headphones. Keep all their school materials at hand and encourage them to think of their study space as the classroom.

Reward good habits.

While they’re growing up, you want your kids to build good patterns that they’ll naturally fall into.

That’s why it’s important to reward children not based on outcomes, but on processes. Two kids might get to class at the same time, but their paths may not be similar. Understand how your child operates and nudge them towards the right direction with rewards. Building the right habits helps get your kids ready for school the right way.

Break down or simplify complex tasks.

Homework has always been a drudgery even when kids were attending a traditional school. Doing it online seems even more senseless for kids.

To help overcome their dread, try splitting your kids’ assignments into smaller parts. Have them finish the first step and celebrate that accomplishment. Getting something done gives your child a sense of fulfillment and can help motivate him or her to do the next task. 

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~ How do you help your kids with schoolwork? ~

Remember, though, that the tasks shouldn’t be too easy. Otherwise, your child will eventually lose interest. Getting the right level of difficulty can help your child view homework as something not just doable, but worthwhile, too.

 Use a color-coded calendar.

This is as much for your kids as it is for you. Color-coding the subjects (for example, red for English, green for Math, yellow for History) helps your child get organized. It can also help both parents and students keep track of assignments and exams for different classes. Seeing the blocks of color on a sheet serves as a visual cue for what’s in store for the day or the week.

Allow kids some play time every day.

Yes, you read it right. In the past, many parents do not allow kids to play or have some entertainment during weekdays. They don’t want the kids to be distracted from school work.

Counterintuitive as it may sound, kids need physical play and experimentation to get their brains working. Create pockets of time where your child can explore something they enjoy. The activity could be as varied as their interests. They could be painting, go biking, or even design an obstacle course in your living room.

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~ Balance distance learning with ample rest and lots of play time. Kids need that. ~

Having a self-defined playtime gives your child something to look forward to and helps them get through the not-so-pleasant parts of distance learning.


Another year of online learning can be challenging but there are ways of making the journey less stressful for both parents and students. It can also become more enjoyable. At the end of the day, learning should be done in a way that fosters your family relationships.


5 thoughts on “How to Prepare for Distance Learning This School Year?

  1. Great tips Mommy Sig! Super helpful po nito sa mga kids na makapagfocus sa studies nila while enjoying their space. This is a important matter that all the parents must give so much attention.

  2. I agree that online learning is a bit challenging and sometimes stressful .However, reading this blog give me some idea how I should conduct learning at home.

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