Cooking Mama | Food

How to Cook: The Best Leche Flan Recipe Ever


In the Philippines, leche flan, which literally translates to milk custard, is one of the most sought-after desserts. Each family seems to have its own recipe while sellers have their own simplified recipe to bring down costs. Actually, it is not hard to make, but because it is considered pricey for its small yield. Plus, it does take some time to cook, whether through steaming or baking. Without further ado, I am sharing here what my not-so-little Shane says is the best leche flan recipe ever!

leche flan, Pinoy dessert, dessert recipe, leche flan in English, best leche flan recipe ever, leche flan ingredients, cooking hacks, cooking mama, from my kitchen, cooking for the family, caramel sauce
~ Look how soft and creamy our leche flan looks inside. I can smell the vanilla and the glistening smooth caramel sauce. ~

Best Childhood Memories

My mother made leche flan for us when I was younger. I remember that she used to steam them and I totally loved them. That is why I was used to making flan this way.

However, steaming has failed me many times. Most of those unsuccessful batches are those times when I am in a hurry and would turn up the stove too high, which causes the water to boil and reach the bottom of my aluminum tins. The boiling creates bubbles, creating a flan with lots of holes. The taste is okay but the texture is… blech.

There were also other times when I would add more egg yolks because mother-in-law didn’t like the leche flan too sweet. However, this resulted in a denser flan. I was looking for the soft and creamy texture that almost melts in the mouth.

leche flan, Pinoy dessert, dessert recipe, leche flan in English, best leche flan recipe ever, leche flan ingredients, cooking hacks, cooking mama, from my kitchen, cooking for the family
~ Dessert or as topping for halo-halo– we couldn’t seem to get enough of leche flan. ~

Then I discovered the baked version and a proportion that is just right. Aside from the cooking style, the ratio of the milk to the eggs should be reached in order to achieve the consistency that I am after.

Our kids said that this is the best leche flan recipe ever so I am sharing with you what I did. We haven’t even finished one container yet when Siobe Shane asked me to make another batch.

So here it is.

The Best Leche Flan Recipe Ever

Please note that you can also do this with a food steamer. However, you have to boil the water in the steamer first and lower the heat before placing the tins inside. Make sure that the water is not a rolling boil, but producing just enough steam.

Basic Leche Flan Ingredients:

  • 3/4 cup refined sugar dissolved in 1/8 cup water
  • 10 egg yolks of medium-sized eggs
  • 1 can (370ml) Evaporated Milk (any brand)
  • 1 can (390g) Condensed Milk (any brand)
  • Vanilla syrup, optional, 1 Tbsp.
leche flan, Pinoy dessert, dessert recipe, leche flan in English, best leche flan recipe ever, leche flan ingredients, cooking hacks, cooking mama, from my kitchen, cooking for the family, eggyolks
~ You need 10 egg yolks for this recipe. I bought these unshelled eggs from a supplier so I will have to scoop out each egg yolk to separate them from the whites. ~

What you need:

  • Wire whisk
  • Strainer
  • 3 oval aluminum tins
  • 1 big baking dish that can fit the 3 baking tins
  • Aluminum foil to cover the tins

How to Make Leche Flan

1. Cook the refined sugar with water in a non-stick pan over low heat until it caramelizes (turns brown). Pour them into the 3 aluminum tins, dividing the caramel syrup into 3 parts. Try to spread the syrup all around the bottom of the tins.

2. Preheat oven to 180°C and boil some water in a pot.

3. In a mixing bowl, whisk together the egg yolks, evaporated milk, condensed milk, and vanilla until well-blended.

4. Pour the milk mixture through a wire strainer onto the aluminum tins with hardened caramel on the bottom. Try to divide the milk mixture evenly into three parts.

5. Cover each tin container with foil and place them side by side in a wide baking container. Pour hot water inside the container and put inside the oven.

~ Preparing to bake the leche flan. All I need to do would be to cover each baking tin then to pour the boiling water into the big container before baking. ~

6. Bake for 40 minutes. Turn off the oven and the leave the flan inside the oven for another 15 minutes. The heat inside the oven and the water will continue to cook the flan without having to use up extra energy.

7. Allow the tins to cool on a wire rack before refrigerating. Chill for at least 3 hours before serving.

To Serve:

Loosen the sides of the flan with a thin knife. Place a plate over it and quickly flip to serve the leche flan upside down. That golden, soft, creamy, and smooth flan is just heavenly!

Enjoy this dessert with your family. 🙂

Cooking Note:

Many oval aluminum baking tins come with covers. However, I don’t use them because they are thick and would make the flan longer to cook. I try to cut down my energy consumption for its environmental impact as well as the additional cost it will add to our electric bill.

leche flan, Pinoy dessert, dessert recipe, leche flan in English, best leche flan recipe ever, leche flan ingredients, cooking hacks, cooking mama, from my kitchen, cooking for the family
~ I have already pegged the proportions for this recipe. If you use a different packaging for the milk, please measure it to the exact volume. ~

What to Do with the Egg Whites after Making Leche Flan

You do not discard the egg whites from this leche flan recipe! A total of 10 egg whites combined can make you a lot of meringue cookies already. Or divide them into parts. Some can be added to your Chinese soup or to your omelet. Most people on a diet prefer egg whites, too, because it packs a lot of protein. So nothing goes to waste.


7 thoughts on “How to Cook: The Best Leche Flan Recipe Ever

  1. Ito pala ang Secret sa Masarap at smooth Texture na Leche Flan.Thanks for this Ma

    Magaling ako magluto pero di talaga ko magaling sa dessert hehehe

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