
Galileo Enrichment Summer Programs 2018


Galileo Enrichment Summer Programs

This summer, prevent the summer slide your kids’ learning by enrolling them fun and enriching Galileo Enrichment Summer Programs. Find them at the Galileo Enrichment Center Bacolod.

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The Galileo Enrichment Learning Center in Bacolod is located at Bright Kids Preschool, 10th-Lacson Streets, Bacolod City. Open to students of all schools, from ages 3 to 12.

Many parents look at the summer vacation as the time to take a break from the rigors of school. It’s rest time for the whole family, not just for the kids. It’s during this time that parents don’t have to wake up early and prepare kids for school and dash out of the door as soon as every one is ready.

Meanwhile, kids can take extended sleeping hours and not have to worry about tests, assignments, and projects. Parents also appreciate the fact that their pockets can rest from all the daily expenses for projects and activities.

Summer Learning Slide

But for teachers, they call this time as the “summer slide”. All the momentum in learning that they have built in their students becomes undone in the two months that kids are away from school. Even good study habits developed throughout the school are forgotten.

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Some of the young students at the Galileo Enrichment Learning Program Bacolod.

If you want your kids to retain some of their good learning habits, then it is imperative to get them engaged on a summer learning stint that will keep that voracity for learning alive.

Galileo Enrichment Program

Getting kids motivated to learn in a fun way and without the pressure during the summer vacation is the main goal of the Galileo Enrichment Learning Program.

Galileo Enrichment Program is an after-school program that helps students love Math and English–the two main subjects that form the basis of all the other school subjects. This is more than just getting good grades.

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Ms. Rowena Juan Matti, CEO of Galileo Enrichment Learning Center in the Philippines.

Galileo CEO, Ms. Rowena Juan Matti, says that if the kids are able to comprehend the basic principles of Math and English and learn them on their own, it would be so easy for the kids to face these subjects everyday in school.

Furthermore, Galileo has introduced Singapore Math here in the Philippines. The way that Math is taught in Singapore is coveted around the world because Singaporean students are topping international Math competitions and are topping surveys, such as the Trends in Math and Science Survey (TIMSS).

Galileo Enrichment Summer Programs

To bridge the learning process and curb the summer slide, Galileo Enrichment Summer programs will get kids interested to learn.

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My little Siobe at the reading corner of Galileo Enrichment Center Bacolod.

This Summer 2018, Galileo Enrichment Bacolod is offering the Money Smart Camp and the Digital Summer Camp.

Digital Summer Camp

The Digital Summer Camp is for kids ages 9 to 14 years old. The five-day course will cover different topics, namely, Robotics, Junior Electronics, Architecture, Coding, and Animation.

Read: Galileo Digital Summer Camp 2017


  • Robotics: The Robotics programming features Jimu. Students will learn how to create codes to make the Jimu robot come to life.
  • Animation: Students will be able to easily animal photos or drawings by building a skeleton structure that allows stretching and bending deformations without drawing each pose.
  • Game Design and Game Development: Students will learn the basics of game creation, such as app conceptualization, character impression, and background design.
  • 3D Architecture: Students will learn and understand Math through visuals, created their ideas intuitively and learn from each other. Use it as a tool to easily develop aesthetics and sense of depth.
  • Jr. Electronics featuring iQube: Students will be exposed to fundamental concepts of electronics as well as its important components and how they are being used, such as power source, ground, switch, and lamp.

Total Number of Hours: 10

Digital Summer Camp Fee: P5,000

Money Smart Camp

The Money Smart Camp is for kids ages 7 to 12 years old. It’s a three-day camp. There will be two batches, one in April and another in May. For the first batch, it’s Learning About Money. In May, it’s Learning How to Earn Money. It is best to have your child take the two courses.

  • About Money. This module will cover facts about money, how money goes around, ways to earn, buying and selling, smart saving, using money the right way, and establishing money goals.
  • How to Earn Money. In the second module, kids will be taught about different money choices, business for kids, helping others, making money, and starting a business they can create. The output of this module is the creation of a business plan.

Total Number of Hours: 6 per

Money Smart Camp Fee: P1,800

This is the course where we will enroll our eldest Dindin.

English, Math, Singapore Math

Meanwhile, enrichment classes for English, Math, and Singapore Math continue throughout the summer.

Five Ways of Learning

At the Galileo Enrichment Learning Center, they employ five ways of learning. It’s not just paperwork.

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Filling up paperwork is just one part of the learning process at Galileo Enrichment Learning Center Bacolod.

Tactile Launch Pad

This section has activities that support motor skills through concrete tools or toys, like puzzles and manipulative toys. This part aims to harness the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence through experiential activities.

Space Race

The children’s learning activities are reinforced by sight, reading, and mental computation in order to build speed and accuracy.

Book Galaxy

At the Book Galaxy, they have reading activities that allow literary appreciation through a wide selection of books. These are all accredited by the Galileo Learning Program main office.

Cyber Explorer

In developing English and Math skills, Galileo employs game-play elements, such as the use of a laptop computer and a tablet loaded with educational programs and apps accredited by the Galileo Learning Program main office.

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In just an hour, the kids go through the five centers of learning at the Galileo Enrichment Learning Center.

Nova Data

The Nova Data activities is where paper works come in. These harness reading and writing skills through print- based materials.

Benefits of the Galileo Program

Galileo is a meaningful, exciting, and fun Math and English enrichment program for children ages 3 to 12. This summer break, engage your children in Galileo Enrichment Summer Programs. Take advantage of its benefits:

  • Improve school grades
  • Become academically competitive in a fun way
  • Develop a positive attitude towards studying
  • Nurture skills and talents
  • Gain lots of friends
  • Earn rewards

Galileo Enrichment Learning Program Bacolod

In Bacolod, the Galileo Enrichment Center is located at Bright Kids Preschool. It is OPEN TO ALL, for the regular school year and for the Galileo Enrichment Summer Programs. For more information, call or visit

Bright Kids Preschool – 10th Lacson Street, Bacolod City
Tel. No. (034) 433 4713

Find Bright Kids Preschool on the map.


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