Mental Health

Radical Adaptability: The Mindset We Should Cultivate in Life


We were all living a fast-paced lifestyle complete with happenings left and right two years ago. Traveling was such a breeze that people’s social media feeds were filled with jaw-dropping destinations. Then Covid-19 happened and suddenly, the entire world was under lockdown because of the ensuing pandemic. After a year and a half into the pandemic with no end in sight, people are just losing it. One sports scientist and psychologist tells us about the mindset that can help us get through any situation in life. It is called radical adaptability. Learn more about how this could help you navigate through life’s challenges.

Radical Adaptability vs. the Fixed Mindset

If you hear about the word ‘mindset‘, you would probably think about the mind being set about beliefs, notions, or perspectives. Now, here is this one person who uses mindset and radical adaptability in one phrase. And this just might be the key to helping us go through our current situation with ease and grace.

Herbalife Nutrition Global Fitness Advisory Board Member Shayamal Vallabhjee is a sports scientist and psychologist. He is not only dealing with nutrition but is also responsible for the mental health of athletes. One of the things that he underscored in his online talk for the Herbalife Nutrition e-Wellness Tour was radical adaptability.

Herbalife Nutrition, mindset, fear, anxiety, life, radical adaptability, psychologist, fear, Covid-19 pandemic, mental health, stress, less stress
~ Mr. Shayamal Vallabhjee, a member of the Herbalife Nutrition Global Fitness Advisory Board. ~

The bottomline is, our fixed mindset should be about being open to change so that we can easily adapt to new ecosystems with the least stress. When we accept the fact that nothing is permanent in this world except change, the sooner it is for us to be able to adapt to the new situation.

Radical adaptability is being able to embrace change without much resistance.

Uncertainty: To Reject or Accept

When the Covid-19 pandemic happened, the family, which is the core unit of the society, became threatened. We could no longer visit even our closest family members who live in different households. Grandchildren were forbidden to hug grandparents because the elderly are highly vulnerable due to their compromised immune systems.

Meanwhile, OFWs could no longer come back home because of border restrictions. And those who were quarantined together experienced friction from too much familiarity.

Herbalife Nutrition, mindset, fear, anxiety, life, radical adaptability, psychologist, fear, Covid-19 pandemic, mental health, stress, less stress
~ Look but no touch. Hugs and kisses are a big no-no in this pandemic. Physical distancing is strongly emphasized so as to protect the vulnerable and the immuno-compromised. ~

As a mother, I felt the uncertainty of the future for my children. What will happen to our daughters? What does the future hold for them? Or is there even a future for them?

Vallabhjee acknowledges that we are in uncertain times and that uncertainty leads to fear.

Fear is the emotion linked to the future.

But he said that the decision to accept or reject uncertainty depends upon us. It is a choice. “Accept uncertainty and life becomes an adventure.” That is radical adaptability, a fundamentally important mindset, especially in this pandemic.

What do you think of this perspective? Will radical adaptability work for you? We might need a complete overhauling of our perspectives.

Please tell me in the comments below.


4 thoughts on “Radical Adaptability: The Mindset We Should Cultivate in Life

  1. Sa Panahon ngaun kailangan nalang talaga nating maging kalmado at sumabay sa agos ng buhay..Be safe and keep Contented

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