
The Importance of Inflatable Arm Floaters for Swimming | Kids’ Safety


When swimming with kids especially in the ocean, it is best for them to wear flotation devices for safety. These considerably lower the risks of drowning. But there are different kinds and we prefer the inflatable arm floaters for our kids.

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~ Sisters playing together. Shane always has her arm floaters and still carried a kickboard. ~

Why Inflatable Arm Floaters

Since our kids are like mermaids, we have brought them to hotel swimming pools and beaches ever since they were babies. They love the water, even though they haven’t learned how to swim yet.

Related: Mermaids in Boracay

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~ As long as she’s at the beach, Shane knows that she has to wear her arm floaters. She never takes them off until she gets to the beach house. ~

Whenever we plan to go swimming, they take probiotics to protect their tummies from harmful germs that they might ingest from the water.

As for safety, we have tried ring floaters, floaters they can ride on, as well as vests. These are all inflatables. We have also bought at least three different kickboards to help them float and practice their kicks.

With ring floaters, the child floats but cannot float on her back or on her belly. Meanwhile, the vest is ill-fitted while kickboards are just good for the pool. They can float away in the ocean.

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~ Shane likes lying on her back in the water–allowing the waves to just sway her. She probably feels relaxed doing it. ~

So among all these, we prefer the inflatable arm floaters. Here are the reasons why.

Advantages of Inflatable Arm Floaters

Here are just some of the practical benefits of attaching inflatable arm floaters on your kids before they go to the water.

  • Freedom of movement. The floaters stay on the arms so the kids get to move around unhampered. They have more freedom to float, kick, and even use their arms.
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~ Shane is confident to go in the water by herself because she has floaters on. ~
  • Develops confidence. Since they are able to float and move around with the help of the arm floaters, it builds their confidence in the water. We all know that confidence is a big thing in swimming. A sudden doubt will get even a grown-up to panic in the water. And this is especially traumatic for kids.
  • Adjustable. Arm floaters come in different sizes plus you can adjust the air you blow into them so that they fit your child’s arms.
  • Affordable. Among all flotation devices, the arm floaters are the cheapest.
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~ Shane is ready to swim in her all-pink swimming attire. This was at the Eden South Beach Resort in Hinobaan, Negros Occidental. ~
  • Handy and efficient. They are small and light and can fit readily in your bag. And since they are small, you can just easily blow air to inflate them. No need for air pumps. Even the older sibling can already do it for the younger brother or sister. Inversely, you can also deflate them easily when no longer needed.
  • Cute designs. You know how kids like their favorite cartoon character on their gear, right? So it’s a good thing that manufacturers have made these cute arm floaters with different designs and colors for the kids to choose from.

Parental Guidance Still Needed

Despite the flotation devices like the inflatable arm floaters that we provide our kids, we do no leave them unattended in the water. The pool is much easier to manage because we know the depths and contours plus there are no waves to contend with.

swimming, swimming lessons, inflatable arm floaters, arm floaters, kick boards, inflatable vests, water safety, swimming safely, swimming in the ocean, swimming lessons for kids, lifesavers, guardians, watch over kids, ring floaters, Protexin, probiotics, beach, beach holiday, waves, swimming pool, raising mermaids, Hinobaan, New Year trip, beach holiday, Negros Occidental, Philippine beaches, white sand beach, drowning, water babies, adult supervision,
~ Shane plays with her cousin and aunt in the sand. But from time to time, she would go back in the water. ~

However, the beach is a different matter. The tide can suddenly change as well as the pull of the water. It can ebb anytime and the current can get very strong There are beaches with shores that are abruptly “acantilado”, so the water suddenly becomes deep.

When we went to Hinobaan, Negros Occidental for our year-end family holiday, the waves were pretty strong. We stayed at the Eden South Beach Resort with a shoreline so wide.

So even while our Siobe Shane was wearing inflatable arm floaters and Achi Shawna could already swim, we did not let them out of our sight.

swimming, swimming lessons, inflatable arm floaters, arm floaters, kick boards, inflatable vests, water safety, swimming safely, swimming in the ocean, swimming lessons for kids, lifesavers, guardians, watch over kids, ring floaters, Protexin, probiotics, beach, beach holiday, waves, swimming pool, raising mermaids, Hinobaan, New Year trip, beach holiday, Negros Occidental, Philippine beaches, white sand beach, drowning, water babies, adult supervision,
~ With the strong waves in Hinobaan, Negros Occidental, the arm floaters are necessary even though the kids do not swim unattended. ~

They always have to be with adults when they are in the water. My husband and I would not allow them to go swimming without at least one of us or another guardian. We make sure that they are always at a safe distance from us so that we can manually pull them out if we have to.


Let’s always cover our families in prayer. We can take the necessary precautions but God still holds everything.

Let’s be careful during our beach holidays so that we can enjoy ourselves with our families.


6 thoughts on “The Importance of Inflatable Arm Floaters for Swimming | Kids’ Safety

    1. Yes sis. Di talaga pwede to leave the kids unattended. Very unpredictable ang water, especially if sa beach. Mas safer pa nga sa pool e.

  1. Very important and inflatable floaters arm kapag nagswimming to keep us safe. Lalo na sa mga kids na di pa masyado kayang lumangoy.

  2. Wow Maganda pala tong Arm floater kesa sa iBang Salbabida..thanks for sharing mommy..p ero syempre kailangan bantay sarado padin natin ang mga kids

    1. hay moms. as in! dapat we are just nearby when they are swimming and we should not be distracted by gadgets or by talking to other people.

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