Cooking Mama | Food

Try This Easy Sizzling Tofu Sisig Recipe for a Vegetarian Meal


Tofu figures a lot in Chinese cuisine. The Chinese eat a lot of tofu or soybean curd because it is a healthier alternative to meat. But it still packs the necessary proteins needed by the body. But I made a dish using my own mix to flavor this classic Pinoy dish. This is my Sizzling Tofu Sisig Recipe and I am sharing this with you to try at home.

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~ Tau hu and Tau kwa after draining on paper towels. These are ready to be diced for my tofu sisig. ~

Restaurant Inspiration: Max’s Tofu Sisig

I am so into pork sisig. Even my kids are hooked with my homemade pork sisig that I make big batches and just store them in the freezer.

vegan, Keto diet, Keto meal, vegetarian meal, vegetarian dish, tofu, tau hu, tau kwa, tofu sisig, tofu sisig recipe, sizzling tofu sisig, sizzling plate, hot plate, sisig mix, homemade tofu sisig, online selling, homecooking, kitchen experiment, non-stick pan, healthy dish, spicy dish, spicy tofu sisig, appetizer, pulutan, beer match, Chinese cuisine, Pinoy dish, Capampangan sisig, Mama Sita's Sisig Mix, storing tofu in the refrigerator
~ Tau hu (rectangle) and tau kwa (square) can be stored while immersed in water in the refrigerator. Change the water every couple of days and it can stay for at least 10 days. ~

As for tofu sisig, one of the most famous tofu sisig dishes in restaurants is the one in Max’s. A couple of weeks ago, we brought two orders of this dish to share at home.

I liked it but the in-laws complained it was too salty. Meanwhile, hubby was kinda okay with it, though he was not really into it.

vegan, Keto diet, Keto meal, vegetarian meal, vegetarian dish, tofu, tau hu, tau kwa, tofu sisig, tofu sisig recipe, sizzling tofu sisig, sizzling plate, hot plate, sisig mix, homemade tofu sisig, online selling, homecooking, kitchen experiment, non-stick pan, healthy dish, spicy dish, spicy tofu sisig, appetizer, pulutan, beer match, Chinese cuisine, Pinoy dish, Capampangan sisig, Mama Sita's Sisig Mix,
~ The tofu sisig at Max’s didn’t have carrots. I added some for color. It’s also a good way to hide some vegetables in a dish and to get everybody to eat some fiber. ~

That got me thinking of making my own version of tofu sisig. And in one try, I got the right consistency, texture, and flavor that I was aiming for. So I am sharing the recipe with you because my husband totally loved it!

vegan, Keto diet, Keto meal, vegetarian meal, vegetarian dish, tofu, tau hu, tau kwa, tofu sisig, tofu sisig recipe, sizzling tofu sisig, sizzling plate, hot plate, sisig mix, homemade tofu sisig, online selling, homecooking, kitchen experiment, non-stick pan, healthy dish, spicy dish, spicy tofu sisig, appetizer, pulutan, beer match, Chinese cuisine, Pinoy dish, Capampangan sisig, Mama Sita's Sisig Mix, seasonings, Knorr liquid seasoning, peppermill
~ These are the condiments I used to flavor my tofu sisig — Mama Sita’s Sisig Mix, freshly ground black pepper, teriyaki sauce, and Knorr Liquid Seasoning. Not in the photo are soy sauce and fish sauce. ~

You may serve this at home or you can even copy this to sell for your online business. If you have an eatery or a restaurant, I don’t mind if you copy this—this is just so good to pass up.

Happy Discovery in the Kitchen

Some of the flavorings I used were accidentally discovered. Covid-19 limited our movements and if my dish needs something, I get creative in the kitchen and make do with what I have in the pantry. Gone were the days when we went to the supermarket for just a bottle of soy sauce.

vegan, Keto diet, Keto meal, vegetarian meal, vegetarian dish, tofu, tau hu, tau kwa, tofu sisig, tofu sisig recipe, sizzling tofu sisig, sizzling plate, hot plate, sisig mix, homemade tofu sisig, online selling, homecooking, kitchen experiment, non-stick pan, healthy dish, spicy dish, spicy tofu sisig, appetizer, pulutan, beer match, Chinese cuisine, Pinoy dish, Capampangan sisig, Mama Sita's Sisig Mix, Layd's Choice Ham Spread, mayonnaise
~ Nowadays, we make do. Instead of mayonnaise, I used the Lady’s Choice Ham Spread for this recipe and it turned out wonderfully. But if you want to make your tofu sisig vegan, you will have to omit this. And the mayo as well. ~

Nevertheless, I am so happy with how this turned out so I am sharing this recipe with you. Hope you enjoy it, too!

It is a promise that I will keep experimenting in the kitchen and sharing my discoveries with you.

By the way, I am also very happy that I was named as one of the Top Mom Bloggers in the Philippines on one website, which I only found out recently.

~ These two are the most common kinds of soybean curds available in the market–the tau hu (firm tofu) and the tau kwa (extra firm tofu). The tau hu is usually in rectangle shape. Meanwhile, the tau kwa is sold in square and is smaller and more compact. ~

Now, this mommy blogger is inspired. So this is somewhat my gift for all those who have supported me throughout the years.

Sizzling Tofu Sisig Recipe

My mother-in-law bought many blocks of tofu from a neighborhood maker. She bought two kinds: the firm one (Tau Hu) and the extra firm one (Tau Kwa).

vegan, Keto diet, Keto meal, vegetarian meal, vegetarian dish, tofu, tau hu, tau kwa, tofu sisig, tofu sisig recipe, sizzling tofu sisig, sizzling plate, hot plate, sisig mix, homemade tofu sisig, online selling, homecooking, kitchen experiment, non-stick pan, healthy dish, spicy dish, spicy tofu sisig, appetizer, pulutan, beer match, Chinese cuisine, Pinoy dish, Capampangan sisig, Mama Sita's Sisig Mix,
~ Pin this to share my sizzling tofu recipe. This is Mommy Sigrid’s version. ~

For this Sizzling Tofu Sisig Recipe, I used two rectangular blocks of the firm tofu and a square of the extra firm tofu. I wanted to compare the textures of the two kinds of tofu, as they might have a different effect on the sisig.

While other tofu sisig dishes use only tofu, I chose to add some carrots for color and also texture. That would also give the dish some fiber.

In the end, it didn’t matter. The firm tofu was alright after frying. Here’s how I made my vegetarian tofu sisig.

vegan, Keto diet, Keto meal, vegetarian meal, vegetarian dish, tofu, tau hu, tau kwa, tofu sisig, tofu sisig recipe, sizzling tofu sisig, sizzling plate, hot plate, sisig mix, homemade tofu sisig, online selling, homecooking, kitchen experiment, non-stick pan, healthy dish, spicy dish, spicy tofu sisig, appetizer, pulutan, beer match, Chinese cuisine, Pinoy dish, Capampangan sisig, Mama Sita's Sisig Mix, extenders
~ These were the things I originally took out for my tofu sisig. After mincing, I realized that I wanted more garlic so I added another head. They also serve as extenders. ~


  • 2 rectangular blocks of firm tofu, diced (Tau Hu)
  • 1 square block of extra-firm tofu, diced (Tau Kwa)
  • Cooking oil
  • ½ carrot, diced
  • 1 Tbsp. butter
  • 2 heads garlic, minced
  • Salt and black pepper
  • 1 green + 1 red finger chili pepper
  • 1 pc. star anise + 1 bay leaf
  • 2 large onions, chopped
  • 2 Tbsps. Lee Kum Kee Teriyaki sauce
  • 1 Tbsp. Knorr Liquid Seasoning
  • 2 Tbsps. soy sauce (Coconut brand)
  • 1 Tbsp. fish sauce
  • 1 Tbsp. Mama Sita’s Sisig Mix
  • 2 Tbsps. Lady’s Choice Sandwich Spread (ham flavor)
vegan, Keto diet, Keto meal, vegetarian meal, vegetarian dish, tofu, tau hu, tau kwa, tofu sisig, tofu sisig recipe, sizzling tofu sisig, sizzling plate, hot plate, sisig mix, homemade tofu sisig, online selling, homecooking, kitchen experiment, non-stick pan, healthy dish, spicy dish, spicy tofu sisig, appetizer, pulutan, beer match, Chinese cuisine, Pinoy dish, Capampangan sisig, Mama Sita's Sisig Mix, dicing, slicing, mincing, finger chili peppers
~ After mincing and slicing and dicing — chopped onions, minced garlic (2 heads), half a carrot, and the finger chili peppers. ~

Cooking Hack: The tofu sisig recipe I found online called for mayonnaise. However, I couldn’t find even just a dollop of mayonnaise anywhere in the house. But I had Lady’s Choice Sandwich Spread. Since Kapampangan Sisig has some sour notes from kalamansi, I thought, why not make use of the sourness from the pickles in the sandwich spread? And it worked beautifully!

Preparing the Tofu

1. Remove the fresh tofu blocks from the liquid and drain for a few minutes. The wrap them in paper towels. Put some items on top, like a box, to press the tofu and remove excess liquid. Let it stay for about 30 minutes.

vegan, Keto diet, Keto meal, vegetarian meal, vegetarian dish, tofu, tau hu, tau kwa, tofu sisig, tofu sisig recipe, sizzling tofu sisig, sizzling plate, hot plate, sisig mix, homemade tofu sisig, online selling, homecooking, kitchen experiment, non-stick pan, healthy dish, spicy dish, spicy tofu sisig, appetizer, pulutan, beer match, Chinese cuisine, Pinoy dish, Capampangan sisig, Mama Sita's Sisig Mix, paper towels, paper towel, all-purpose cream, strain, drain tofu
~ After draining the tofu blocks on a strainer, transfer them onto paper towels. Wrap several layers around them and then press them down with something heavy. I used boxes of all-purpose cream. ~

2. Then slice them into small cubes, about 1/3 of an inch all around. Set aside.

vegan, Keto diet, Keto meal, vegetarian meal, vegetarian dish, tofu, tau hu, tau kwa, tofu sisig, tofu sisig recipe, sizzling tofu sisig, sizzling plate, hot plate, sisig mix, homemade tofu sisig, online selling, homecooking, kitchen experiment, non-stick pan, healthy dish, spicy dish, spicy tofu sisig, appetizer, pulutan, beer match, Chinese cuisine, Pinoy dish, Capampangan sisig, Mama Sita's Sisig Mix,
~ The diced tau kwa up close. I segregated them from the tau hu. But after frying, you wouldn’t really be able to distinguish the difference. You can use either, because both are firm tofu and can hold their shape after frying. ~

3.  In a non-stick pan, heat cooking oil that’s enough to cover the tofu cubes when frying. Do not wait for the oil to smoke, otherwise it will be too hot and burn your tofu before cooking the insides.

4. Fry the bean curd cubes in small batches until almost brown all over. Stir them often in order to cook them evenly.

5. Do not wait for them to turn brown all over because the heat will further cook them anyway.

vegan, Keto diet, Keto meal, vegetarian meal, vegetarian dish, tofu, tau hu, tau kwa, tofu sisig, tofu sisig recipe, sizzling tofu sisig, sizzling plate, hot plate, sisig mix, homemade tofu sisig, online selling, homecooking, kitchen experiment, non-stick pan, healthy dish, spicy dish, spicy tofu sisig, appetizer, pulutan, beer match, Chinese cuisine, Pinoy dish, Capampangan sisig, Mama Sita's Sisig Mix,
~ Frying the tofu cubes in a non-stick pan. I used enough cooking oil to cover the cubes–they don’t have to float. However, you might need more oil if you are using a regular skillet or frying pan. ~

6. Place the fried cubes in a strainer to drain the excess oil. Do not use a paper towel to drain the excess oil, otherwise, your tofu cubes will be too dry. Set aside.

Cooking Procedure

1. Use the same non-stick pan to cook the tofu sisig. Pour out the excess oil from frying the pan and leave about 3 Tbsps. Stir in the 1 Tbsp. butter.

vegan, Keto diet, Keto meal, vegetarian meal, vegetarian dish, tofu, tau hu, tau kwa, tofu sisig, tofu sisig recipe, sizzling tofu sisig, sizzling plate, hot plate, sisig mix, homemade tofu sisig, online selling, homecooking, kitchen experiment, non-stick pan, healthy dish, spicy dish, spicy tofu sisig, appetizer, pulutan, beer match, Chinese cuisine, Pinoy dish, Capampangan sisig, Mama Sita's Sisig Mix,, saute
~ I stir-fried the diced carrots first and seasoned it to allow it to wilt ahead of everything. That way, the kids would eat it. ~

2. Stir-fry the diced carrots. Season with a pinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper. About 3 minutes.

4. Add the garlic, chili pepper slices, star anise, and bay leaf. Stir-fry for another 3 minutes.

5. Stir in the fried tofu and season with the teriyaki sauce, Knorr liquid seasoning, soy sauce, and fish sauce. Add a bit more fish black pepper, too. Stir to mix well.

vegan, Keto diet, Keto meal, vegetarian meal, vegetarian dish, tofu, tau hu, tau kwa, tofu sisig, tofu sisig recipe, sizzling tofu sisig, sizzling plate, hot plate, sisig mix, homemade tofu sisig, online selling, homecooking, kitchen experiment, non-stick pan, healthy dish, spicy dish, spicy tofu sisig, appetizer, pulutan, beer match, Chinese cuisine, Pinoy dish, Capampangan sisig, Mama Sita's Sisig Mix, sisig flavoring
~ I use the Mama Sita Sisig Mix for my pork sisig. So I thought of trying it on the tofu sisig and it’s delicious! ~

6. Add the chopped onions and season with the Mama Sita Sisig Mix. Stir and cook for another 3 minutes while stirring. If the tofu sisig is too dry, you may add a bit of cooking oil or 1 Tbsp. of butter. Mix well.

7. Turn off heat. While still in the pan, immediately add the 2 Tbsps. Lady’s Choice Sandwich Spread (ham flavor). This will make your tofu sisig creamier but not oily because the mayonnaise part of the spread was not cooked.

~ I didn’t have mayonnaise on hand. Instead of running to the supermarket, I used the Lady Choice Ham Spread. And it turned out better than expected. ~

To Make Sizzling Tofu Sisig

Want to impress the family? Serve your tofu sisig restaurant-style using a hot pan.

When you are ready to serve your tofu sisig, apply a thin coating of cooking oil or butter on your sizzling pan. Place it directly over the fire. When it’s heated, transfer your tofu sisig on the hot plate.

Mix and let it sizzle for about a minute. Garnish with chili peppers and kalamansi slices. Serve hot.

vegan, Keto diet, Keto meal, vegetarian meal, vegetarian dish, tofu, tau hu, tau kwa, tofu sisig, tofu sisig recipe, sizzling tofu sisig, sizzling plate, hot plate, sisig mix, homemade tofu sisig, online selling, homecooking, kitchen experiment, non-stick pan, healthy dish, spicy dish, spicy tofu sisig, appetizer, pulutan, beer match, Chinese cuisine, Pinoy dish, Capampangan sisig, Mama Sita's Sisig Mix,
~ Check out our restaurant-style sizzling tofu sisig. In a Pinoy household, this can be ulam (viand) or pulutan (beer match). ~

You may also serve it with fried egg on the side.

Note: I am calling this a vegetarian dish and not entirely vegan because of the sauces I used. Moreover, the Lady’s Choice Sandwich Spread I used is ham-flavored. I am not sure if it’s only flavoring or they may have added ham bits into it. To make it completely vegan, you will have to substitute the condiments, however, it will not taste the same. This would be good for a meal if you are on a Keto diet though.


4 thoughts on “Try This Easy Sizzling Tofu Sisig Recipe for a Vegetarian Meal

  1. Wow mamsh. Kakaibang kind of sisig recipe po yan ahh with mama sita’s pa. Grabe nakakatakam mukhang masarap din po yan😋

  2. Nakapagluto nadin ako momsh ng Tofu sisig, inexperiment ko hehe medyo di naging successful kasi wala akong ginayahang recipe. I’m so thankful now na meron po kayong another recipe tips para makagawa ng Tofu sisig ☺️ I’m sure na mkakapagluto nadin ako ng masarap hehe. Thanks Mommy Sig ❤️

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