We were simply living our lives and enjoying the best that life has to offer. Then Covid-19 changed all that. Our concept of what’s normal and acceptable has totally changed. New protocols have been set in place in order to keep the family safe and healthy. And yet, after so many months, we have proven that Covid-19 might stay and be a part of our future. So how do you prepare your kids for the new normal lifestyle that this global pandemic has brought us? Here are some ideas.
- Related: Stay Safe, Stay at Home
Prepare Your Kids for the New Normal
We are in unprecedented times and there seems to be no end in sight. Everyone, as in everyone, has been affected in one way or another by Covid-19. We just have to accept that this is already the new normal.
While we had been having a hard time grappling the new reality and wrapping our heads on this new concept, have you thought about how our kids are responding to this?
Has your life been turned upside down now that the kids are staying at home? Have you been met with kids who are throwing tantrums because they can no longer go out?
Now that you have accepted this situation, it’s time to prepare your kids for the new normal, and here are some ideas I can share with you.
Tell Them What’s Going On
Your children have a right to know what’s going on. Depending on the age of your kids, explain the world’s situation and how it is affecting your family in a way that they will understand. They are much smarter than you may think and they will certainly comprehend the circumstances.
Additionally, they are more flexible than us and they can easily adapt to lifestyle changes.

I just hope that you have not been giving in to every demand you child is dishing your way. It will be harder for your kids to cope if they have been used to getting everything the easy way.
Explain Issues Truthfully
I am a believer of openly sharing ideas to our kids. This includes current issues and the family situation.
In movies, I would often watch parents “pretending” to be strong for kids. They only cry when they are alone. I know that there is some wisdom to this, however, I think it is much better for us to be honest with them.
Personally, I don’t think that telling our kids some issues affecting the family will diminish how they look at us when they learn about our struggles. If ever, I think that would open their eyes to the reality of life.
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Moreover, how we overcome those obstacles would be a good learning opportunity for them because we are their primary role models in life.
Pray Together
When the kids know about the family situation, they are able to empathize with what we parents are going through. For Christians, it also strengthens their faith.
In our family, we bring up prayer petitions during our nightly family prayer time. It’s just awesome to hear even little Shane pray over the country, our friends and relatives, our home, and even the world. She prays for healing upon the sick as well as protection and the well-being of healthcare workers.
That’s a lesson on faith and prayer.
Make Adjustments to their Daily Routine
I am not sure what your situation is right now. Since we are now on our 7th year of homeschooling, we are pretty much set in our routine. Staying at home like this has been our kind of normal. It’s only the family travel part that we miss.
With homeschooling now, we still need a certain routine in the home in order to discipline the children to take responsibility. There’s still a waking time, though it could now be later than usual. Set aside weekends for chores then Sundays for worship or Sunday school.
Moreover, make it a point to eat together so that you can exchange stories while sharing a meal. Our kids are really talkative during meal times.
Make Some Home Improvements
Since we are staying home all the time now, let’s improve our living quarters. You can make some home improvements with no construction needed. Your home and also your mind will become more comfortable and cozy to live in.
- Related: Make Your Home Cozy for Kids
Next will write about how to improve your home without carpentry needed.
Set Aside Time for Exercise
Working from home and homeschooling have their benefits. However, they can also become reasons for a sedentary lifestyle. Avoid that.

Set the alarm to remind you that it’s time for physical exercises for the family. You don’t have to do complicated routines. Dancing to two songs every day would be a good and fun time for you and the kids. You can also do stretches.
These things may not give you those enviable abs of models, but they are enough to get your blood circulation going. Plus, stretching the muscles is a must.
Schedule Family Activities
Family activities at home can be easily forgotten. In the past, we set aside a special time during weekends to spend bonding with the family. Usually, people go the beach, catch a movie, go to the mall, or go on a road trip.
But when you are staying at home all the time, it is not surprising if you will forget these intentional family bonding moments because you are always together. You have to set a schedule or a date and then stick to the plan.
Stock on Healthy Food
Since the kids are staying at home practically all the time, it’s best to buy food in bulk. Growing kids always seem to be hungry and they will just raid the pantry and refrigerator if the tummy rumbles.
Buy healthy snacks and ingredients, like fruits, vegetables, fruit juices, yogurt, cheeses, and milk. You can make your own sandwich spreads, dips, and snacks and just freeze them to make them last longer.
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There are so many offers online as well as new innovations to make your new normal at home more comfortable. That way, when you buy a fridge and a freezer, you get your money’s worth.
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Don’t Lose Yourself
Even though you are stuck at home, it doesn’t mean that you and your kids have to lose your sense of style. You can still be stylish even while staying at home.
- Related: Timeless Style Tips for Moms
It’s about not about letting loose because nobody can see you anyway. You can still see yourself—and that’s all that matters.
When you look in the mirror, how do you see yourself? Do you feel good about the image in the mirror?
Maintain that sense of style, even if you are just wearing house clothes. It could be something related to your hair or maybe your skincare.
More Loungewear
In my case, I used to have more dresses and other casual wear that I reserve for events. But because of the new normal, there are no more face to face events. Every product launch is done virtually.
So I diverted some money from our family budget in order to invest in some affordable loungewear. I am so glad that there are so many of cotton spandex ternos that I can order online. The designs are soooo cute! My P1000 already bought me 5 pairs and I am so happy.
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That way, I am cool and comfortable at home plus I like the designs of the clothes I am wearing.

Feeling good with what you are wearing is part of overall wellness. And they don’t have to be expensive.
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What about you, mommies? What are the changes you have done at home so far?
Very helpful etong blogs nato. Mga tips how to handle kids to a new normal. Thank you mamsh for always sharing your ideas and tips.
Aware na po ang mga anak ko about sa covid, lockdown and pandemic
Stay at home po tlaga kami. Never na nakakalabas since last year. Better to be safe po than never motto namin . We always pray din po tlaga na dna maging okay na ang lahat . At sana po tlaga.🙏🙏🙏
Thanks for sharing, such a big help
Very informative and helpful blog post. Thanks for sharing momsh.