
1000 Girls Campaign by World Vision with Gretchen Ho


Celebrity athlete Gretchen Ho inspires young girls to dream big through the 1000 Girls Campaign by World Vision. This year’s theme is “#GirlsCan”.

Gretchen Ho for 1,000 Girls Campaign

Gretchen Ho is the official ambassador in the Philippines for World Vision’s campaign, “1,000 Girls”.

The campaign will focus on issues faced by young girls today due to the ongoing pandemic. So the challenge is to respond to their most urgent needs and help realize their full potential for a better future.

Gretchen’s support for this campaign is rooted in her belief that every girl has the capacity to be empowered. She believes that they can overcome, but with the support from family and friends.

“It isn’t always easy to fight on your own. That’s why we need to provide them with support, guidance, resources, and opportunities to be able to maximize their potential. Many girls are at a disadvantage because of their economic background or family set-ups. Sometimes, the only thing that a girl needs is a helping hand,” said Gretchen.

Child Sponsorship Program

World Vision has a campaign called the child sponsorship program. These girls will have access to learning and development opportunities that are community-based. And more importantly, these are sustainable and long-term solutions.

1000 Girls Campaign, World Vision, Gretchen Ho, young girls, daughters, sisters, dreams, goals, aspirations, women empowerment, raising daughters, raising girls, childhood, child sponsorship program, family support,dream and potential, #GirlsCan
~ Empower a young girl today. Click on this photo to find out more. ~

Additionally, Gretchen sees education as one of the best ways to equip the youth. “Through education, a world of opportunities opens up for a young girl. If that young girl is able to build her self-confidence through those opportunities, there is potential to become a leader,” explained Gretchen.

“In today’s world, where there is so much injustice, inequality, hatred, and discrimination, we need a female’s strengths to overcome. We need more female voices to be heard”.

Partnerships with Everyone

To make this program possible, World Vision partners with different stakeholders. These include members of the local community for building resilient families and for creating an enabling environment for children.

Things that young girls need the following in order to become empowered agents of change:

  • Access to education
  • Nutritious food
  • Clean water
  • Quality health services
  • Nurturing spiritual activities

Can You Help?

“World Vision is excited to share with everyone an opportunity to help children meet their needs. The 1000 Girls campaign is one that highlights empowerment for education, health, and protection. Furthermore, your support will give hope to every child during this crisis.” This was revealed by Rommel Fuerte, National Director for World Vision.

“My message to all the young girls out there is — I believe you can make it. Don’t be afraid to dream big. Make the most out of what you have. If you have less in life, ask for help. If you have more in life, help others. There is room for success for everyone. Believe in yourself, be resourceful, be creative and you will conquer,” shared Gretchen.

To know how you can support “1,000 Girls” by sponsoring a girl today, visit

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Follow World Vision on social media:

  • Facebook: /worldvisionph
  • IG: @worldvisionphl

About World Vision

World Vision is a global Christian relief, development, and advocacy organization. It is dedicated to working with children, families, and communities to overcome poverty and injustice.

Moreover, World Vision is bent on serving all people: regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender.

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