Getting Ready for a #GrowHappy Kinder School Opening
School opening is fast approaching and parents are already preparing their children for when the classes start. In our family, what we are preparing for is kinder school opening for our little Shane.

By now, you already know that we are homeschooling in Bacolod. Our eldest Dindin will continue her studies under our provider, School of Tomorrow. She is already finishing Level 4.
Meanwhile, just like her older sister, Shane will undergo formal Kinder school at Bright Kids Preschool. Our main reason is that we wanted both kids to know what school set up is like. This will also discipline them for the school routine before homeschooling them. This has worked for Dindin and we are highly anticipating the results with Shane.
- Related: Homeschooling is Best for Our Kids
Additionally, it saves me from having to teach them how to write myself. Honestly, I do not have the patience to do so. By the time they are in Level 1, they will be ready to read and write and tackle their PACES.
Tips on How to Prepare for Kinder School Opening
Complete all school requirements.
Good preschools like Bright Kids Preschool are very meticulous about school requirements. Parents are already provided with the list of the things that their kids will be needing. Some of these things will have to be submitted for safekeeping in the school. To avoid getting harassed going back and forth trying fulfill requirements, complete everything and submit them on time.
Adjust the kids’ body clock.
Young children are usually hard to wake up in the morning. You cannot expect them to adapt easily to early morning class schedules. While many of us go on family vacations and indulge our children in endless play time during the summer, you need to allot days for the children to adjust their body clock. For some, it may even take a couple of weeks.

Make adjustments in your home. Estimate the number of hours that your child sleeps. Put them to bed earlier and wake them up at the time that they are supposed to for kinder school opening. This will prevent the drama that comes with this new season in their young lives. In special cases, this will also help ease the separation anxiety that some young children feel at the start of the school year.
Set up a school day routine.
It will help if you simulate a normal school day routine. Have your preschooler eat an early dinner with the family (preferably with all family members, if possible) and afterwards, ease into their bedtime routine. Gadgets should be avoided at this time. After all, the teachers will also discourage you from allowing the kids to use gadgets during school days.
In the morning, set up your school day routine before kinder school opening. Which would you prefer, give them a bath in the morning or at night? If it’s in the morning, you will need to wake your child up some minutes earlier to accommodate a full bath. Then they would have to eat breakfast, brush teeth, comb hair, wear their school uniform, and other things.
Practice basic academic skills at home.
Brush up your child’s reading and writing skills at home. It doesn’t have to be a stringent regimen. It could just be reading labels and signs and just letting them copy stuff. That will still contribute to their training.

These things may not seem significant, but the seeds of learning that you have planted in them will surely bear fruit.
Train them on hygienic practices.
The brushing of teeth will have to be done at home. But do train them about simple hygienic practices that they can do in school. Some of them include:
- Using the toilet paper properly
- Washing hands after using the toilet
- How to deal with the sneezes
- Blowing the nose
- Using utensils
- Eating snacks properly
- Sanitizing
They may or may not be able to comb their hair properly just yet, but they sure know how to be hygienic.
Build up their health.
I think I don’t need to emphasize how important health is, especially when preschool kids are starting school. Their emotions are still not developed and who knows the exact depth of their feelings for this new phase in their lives. Their worries and volatile emotions may manifest in their physical well-being.
Feed them and build that habit of eating nutritious foods and balanced meals. Throughout the summer, maintain their multi vitamin supplements as well their daily dose of Vitamin C. Maintain these throughout the school year.

Additionally, give your preschooler a good quality milk supplement to grow happy and healthy. Our Shane drinks Nestle® NESTOKID® FOUR, which has probiotics that help her digestive system grow healthy. You can get Nestokid online as well, which makes the shopping so much easier for mommies! Click here where to get them:
The least of the concerns of young children is sanitation and eating clean food. They can have unwanted boarders in their gut so it’s best to get them dewormed before classes start. Parasitic infection will really affect their health and overall performance in school. It is best to do this before school starts so that your child’s body can still recuperate after the parasites have been flushed out.
Additionally, to strengthen their gut flora, give them probiotics.
Condition the emotions.
Separation anxiety is real for some children. It would be good to talk to your child about the upcoming school opening, how exciting the school is, and meeting new friends. As you build up excitement, leave out yourself in the equation. You may also practice “leaving” your child at a relative’s or a friend’s house for a play date, even for just 15-30 minutes and then come back to pick her up. That will build up confidence.
Cover the kinder school opening in prayer.
No matter how much we work on it and how much we try, we cannot be with our kids 24/7. Let us cover them with prayer as they start school, including protection, guidance, and wisdom upon them as well as their teachers. Teach your kids to pray for themselves, their teachers, and their classmates as well.

In our family, it would be Shane’s reaction to disappointment and frustrations. She can throw a good, old solid tantrum at times. So for those times, we rest and let God.
These are a great checklist of things to keep in mind when it comes to preparing your child for kinder school. I find that building health at a young age for kids is so vital because these days, we all get sick so easily!
Parenting kid and preparing for school reopening is tedious task which the guidelines in your blog make easy to do.
It must be so hard to adjust kids for kinder school opening but you highlighted some really good points like adjusting their body clock to new times and preparing a school routine!
This brought back memories of my children’s first day in school (Nursery school). They were so excited to get school uniforms, a book bag, box of crayons and chubby pencils. But when school opened and they knew they would be on their own, that is when the anxiety set in. Thanks for these tips. I will share this with my cousin. Her only child starts school in the fall.
That’s awesome! Good luck to your cousin 😀
It’s exciting when the kids are finally starting school. Routine is definitely going to help you and your child have an easier morning. I love the suggestions and tips that you shared here for kinder school opening.
I love your mommy blog especially these tips and ideas in preparing kinder kids for the school reopening. This is a very timely blog post and will surely help parenting young kids.
Such useful tips for me! It is a great reminder how to avoid stresses during the adaptation period for kinder school opening.
Great article and any one preparing young their children for school will find this article extremeley useful x
It”s true. Preparing young children for kinder school (even for the bigger kids) is very important. I also prepare mine by adjusting their body clock for school hours as it makes a big difference.
When you refer to deworming are you speaking about tapeworms? Just curious as I had this as a child a lot and you are right in saying that it is not comfortable. Also building up on hygienic practices is a great idea too!
I am not sure if tapeworms can be removed with regular deworming. But here in our country I think ascaris is the most common.
Adjusting the kid’s body clock is a real challenge. After a vacation or any holiday, tantrums start over again… Sigh… Your pretty doll seems like enjoying her kinder school opening. 🙂
These are great tips for kinder school opening. My daughter is two and hopefully by the time it’s time to go to school I will be ready to let her lol
These are really great tips for getting children ready for school. Many of these I utilized when my children were still in school, especially setting up a school day routine.
Your post is very informative and covers lots of topics that may crop up. It looks like you have a great routine in place that will help to settle the kids in home schooling.
Although my kids are a little older, these are fantastic tips. For some it is not too late to apply them.
Thanks for sharing your prep guide! OMG its a lot of hardwork! Its awesome that your kid is also excited for school 😀
This post is so relevant. I think as a first-time parent, this blog would be golden as it is important to prepare your child for kindergarden or nursery as we call it in the UK. Things like body clock, hygienic practices etc are key things!
Love these tips on preparing for kinder school opening! What a cute idea for a blog! Thanks for sharing!
these are some great tips 🙂 adjusting and adapting the kids to the right schedule is essential after the holidays 🙂
I give props to the parents who can homeschool their children. And this is such a positive thing to put them through Kinder as well. Good for you!
preparing kids for the school can be a handful ! even for older ones. your daughter though looks like she is ready for it, such a little angel
My daughter just got into Primary school and she starts this September, what can I say, she is more ready for it than I.
hahahah Ain’t that always the case? 😀
It sounds like you are all set up. Having a solid school routine does help the days go smoother.
Great article and anyone preparing their young their children for kinder school will find it really useful. Parenting is one hell of a job, and that’s why parents deserve respect. They do a lot for their kids, without expecting anything in return. And almost every school in the world troubles parents with their list of requirements.
Great tips for kinder school opening! Schooling is always fun and challenging for both kids and their parents, especially if it’s the child’s first time in a new school and environment. Thanks for this article!
What a great checklist. I bet you are enjoying the parenthood. To plan and prepare your kid in another chapter of her life is just showing how much you care and love her.
This was a great article to read and I believe it’s very important to create a routine for your kids and prepare them. I would keep this in mind for when I have kids.
Such a great list of things to do! I agree about sharing some concepts with them beforehand at home. It really makes a difference to give them a head start before kinder school opening! 🙂
You are right waking up in the morning is one of the hardest tasks and it is such a relief if that is ticked before the school opening starts!!
Oh wow so many things you have to do to prep for their first day at kinder school. I definitely agree that setting a schedule and routine is important for their sleeping patterns to their eating habits.
Amazing tips here. Growing and bringing up kids can be a big stress sometimes so with this in mind. One is covered.
I don t have any kids but I do agree on good up bringing of children . Because later they are going to become adults and reflect what they have learned from their parents/guardians
Lots of great tips to prepare for the start of kinder school. My youngest is starting school in September and we’ve started getting ready for it 🙂
As I don’t have children yet, these tips are a little bit premature for me – I won’t be able to put them into practice for a few years at least. But judging by the response in the comments from others, these tips are all really helpful for kinder school opening. x
These are such great tips! Definitely a good idea to have a routine for little ones for kinder school opening!
This is brilliant information in preparing kids for school. The tips can at for any age. I especially like the part about adjusting the body clock bit and setting up a similar routine. Great post.
Thanks for sharing this mommy.We are starting for pre kinder schooling din ng eldest ko..ang hirap ng wala si mama sa bahay heheheh..Di ko alam ano uunahin ko..Atleast now I check this out and note tgw important things to do