Cooking Mama | Food

How to Make the Basic Crepe + Banana Crepes Recipe


Now that your children are staying at home all the time, you don’t just need fun activities for kids. You also needing interesting food ideas to get them to eat well. Here’s a Banana Crepes Recipe that will surely be a hit among your brood—whether for snacks or dessert. I will teach you how to make the basic crepe the easy way, so you can use whatever filling is available.

Homeschooling During the Crisis

Our family had been homeschooling under the School of Tomorrow for several years when the Covid-19 happened. So our kids were not affected emotionally and psychology with the changes in the school system.

However, since we are no longer traveling so much or covering events as Bacolod bloggers, my husband and I find our hands full with the kids. Honestly, we are really exhausted by the end of the day with work, household chores, errands, and answering the children’s questions.

Additionally, I also have to think up of a variety of menu items for the day. Normally, I don’t prepare our meals because we have a stay-in cook for that. But with the kids always around, they also get tired of the same old things that we usually have at home.

In order to spice up our meal times or make our meryenda time more interesting, I often find myself experimenting in the kitchen. This homecooking mom suddenly had more things to to so that the kids can eat something delicious and healthy.

Basic Crepe Recipe

We often eat crepes from the mall food stalls or in restaurants. They are thin, smooth, yellowish in color and filled with all sorts of candied fruits, ice cream, and syrup. We like them so much!

You can simulate this at home, but so that you will not get so stressed with how the experts do it, I have simplified it. I just want the taste and texture of the basic crepes without the stress. Haha

But still, it needs some care and timing in the preparation.

Merienda ideas, meryenda, snacks, afternoon snacks, dessert, crepes, basic crepe recipe, crepe recipe, banana crepes recipe, Magnolia Hotcake Mix, syrup, chocolate syrup, homecooking, from my kitchen, kitchen helpers, bananas, saba banana, lakatan banana, latundan banana, banana varieties, fruits, healthy dessert, healthy snacks, children, stay at home, Covid-19, homecook, kitchen hacks, hotcake, pancakes,
~ The most satisfying thing about cooking for my kids is that–they love what I prepare for them–even my

So here is my basic crepe recipe.


  • 1 pack or 180 grams of hotcake mix (store-bought, any brand)*
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/3 cup water
  • ¼ cup cooking oil

*While you can use any kind of hotcake mix for the basic crepe recipe, I do prefer the Magnolia Hotcake Mix because it smells so good! Plus, if you get a big box that contains 2 packs hotcake mix, you get a packet of maple, strawberry, or chocolate syrup.

Merienda ideas, meryenda, snacks, afternoon snacks, dessert, crepes, basic crepe recipe, crepe recipe, banana crepes recipe, Magnolia Hotcake Mix, syrup, chocolate syrup, homecooking, from my kitchen, kitchen helpers, bananas, saba banana, lakatan banana, latundan banana, banana varieties, fruits, healthy dessert, healthy snacks, children, stay at home, Covid-19, homecook, kitchen hacks, hotcake, pancakes, life skills
~ The kids help me in the kitchen a lot. It’s our bonding time plus it’s their learning opportunity. It can get messy and takes a lot of time though but in the interest of imparting life skills, we pursue. ~


1. In a bowl, whisk all the ingredients together until all the clumps are removed.

2. Lightly grease and heat a pan. I used a small non-stick pan, the one you use for frying eggs, for cooking small crepes. They are easier to handle if they are smaller.

Merienda ideas, meryenda, snacks, afternoon snacks, dessert, crepes, basic crepe recipe, crepe recipe, banana crepes recipe, Magnolia Hotcake Mix, syrup, chocolate syrup, homecooking, from my kitchen, kitchen helpers, bananas, saba banana, lakatan banana, latundan banana, banana varieties, fruits, healthy dessert, healthy snacks, children, stay at home, Covid-19, homecook, kitchen hacks, hotcake, pancakes,
~ Achi Shawna pours a ladle full of pancake batter on the heated non-stick pan. ~

3. Pour just enough batter to coat the bottom of the pan. When the top part starts to bubble, it is about ready to flip. Count to about 10 and your crepe is cooked. Let it slide onto a plate.

Banana Crepes Recipe

While I don’t have a problem feeding vegetables to our kids, I honestly find it difficult to give them fruits.

Their choices for fruit are limited to pomelo, rambutan, ripe mangoes, Indian mangoes, and sometimes, lanzones. Achi Shawna would sometimes eat a couple of slices of fresh pears, but she prefers candied peaches. Meanwhile, Shane prefers the candied Mandarin oranges that we buy in bottles from the supermarket.

Merienda ideas, meryenda, snacks, afternoon snacks, dessert, crepes, basic crepe recipe, crepe recipe, banana crepes recipe, Magnolia Hotcake Mix, syrup, chocolate syrup, homecooking, from my kitchen, kitchen helpers, bananas, saba banana, lakatan banana, latundan banana, banana varieties, fruits, healthy dessert, healthy snacks, children, stay at home, Covid-19, homecook, kitchen hacks, hotcake, pancakes,
~ Shane assembles the banana crepes by herself. ~

But they seem to agree on bananas. As for the saba banana, they like the ripe ones boiled and eaten with brown sugar.

For this recipe, it would be good to use ripe lakatan bananas. But there was one time that we use Latundan banana because those were the only ones available and it still worked as well.

Ingredients for the Filling

  • Crepes (recipe above)
  • At least 6 bananas, sliced into pennies
  • 4 Tbsps. brown sugar
  • ½ tsp. vanilla (optional)
  • 4 Tbsps. butter (salted)
  • Chocolate syrup
  • Whipped cream or ice cream (vanilla or cookies and cream)
Merienda ideas, meryenda, snacks, afternoon snacks, dessert, crepes, basic crepe recipe, crepe recipe, banana crepes recipe, Magnolia Hotcake Mix, syrup, chocolate syrup, homecooking, from my kitchen, kitchen helpers, bananas, saba banana, lakatan banana, latundan banana, banana varieties, fruits, healthy dessert, healthy snacks, children, stay at home, Covid-19, homecook, kitchen hacks, hotcake, pancakes,  banana filling
~ I am actually lazy so I just dumped everything together in the saucepan and cooked for about 3 minutes. ~


1. Place a saucepan over low heat. Lightly melt the butter and add the sugar. Stir in the vanilla and mix.

2. Add the banana slices and mix well to make sure that they are coated with the butter and sugar mixture. Cook for about 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally to make sure your bananas and syrup don’t burn.

Merienda ideas, meryenda, snacks, afternoon snacks, dessert, crepes, basic crepe recipe, crepe recipe, banana crepes recipe, Magnolia Hotcake Mix, syrup, chocolate syrup, homecooking, from my kitchen, kitchen helpers, bananas, saba banana, lakatan banana, latundan banana, banana varieties, fruits, healthy dessert, healthy snacks, children, stay at home, Covid-19, homecook, kitchen hacks, hotcake, pancakes,
~ Cooking the crepes and assembling at the same time. That’s multi-tasking. But if you are alone, you start assembly once all the crepes are done. ~

3. Bananas are easy to cook. As you see them wilted around the edges, it’s done. You don’t want to overcook so that you can keep most of the shape of the banana pennies.

To Assemble the Banana Crepe

1. Arrange the banana slices and syrup over each crepe. Since we did not use a lot of bananas for this pictorial, you may see only 3-4 slices per layer.

2. When you reach the top layer, you may clump several slices in the middle and top with a dollop of cream or a scoop of ice cream. Then drizzle some chocolate syrup all over. Serve immediately.

Merienda ideas, meryenda, snacks, afternoon snacks, dessert, crepes, basic crepe recipe, crepe recipe, banana crepes recipe, Magnolia Hotcake Mix, syrup, chocolate syrup, homecooking, from my kitchen, kitchen helpers, bananas, saba banana, lakatan banana, latundan banana, banana varieties, fruits, healthy dessert, healthy snacks, children, stay at home, Covid-19, homecook, kitchen hacks, hotcake, pancakes, kids breakfast
~ Eating the fruit of their labor for breakfast — freshly made banana crepes. ~

In our case, we topped our crepes with our homemade gelato. We used two: the cookies and cream and the butterfly pea gelato. The kids were just too happy to help me make the banana crepes. I am teaching them to cook and be handy in the kitchen because it is a life skill that they can really use.

Enjoy this refreshing, filling, and sweet Banana Crepes Recipe with the ones you love. Stay safe!

Merienda ideas, meryenda, snacks, afternoon snacks, dessert, crepes, basic crepe recipe, crepe recipe, banana crepes recipe, Magnolia Hotcake Mix, syrup, chocolate syrup, homecooking, from my kitchen, kitchen helpers, bananas, saba banana, lakatan banana, latundan banana, banana varieties, fruits, healthy dessert, healthy snacks, children, stay at home, Covid-19, homecook, kitchen hacks, hotcake, pancakes,  butterfly pea gelato
~ For this batch, we used butterfly pea gelato. ~

Other Homecooking Recipes

Meanwhile, here are other restaurant-style homecooking recipes that you might want to try at home.


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