Have you noticed how family-focused bloggers and influencers are gaining popularity in the world of social media and influencer marketing nowadays? Do you know that both parents and non-parents follow these influencers on social media and how big is their influence is both online and offline? Family and parenting are the core elements of our society, so there is much focus on these two subjects today, and more and more people wish to become influencers themselves. They may even seek the service of someone like Twicsy to help them out initially and get their content seen by as many people as possible so that they can grow quicker than they perhaps would if they tried to build up a following on their own.

The Crucial Role of Family and Parenting in the Digital Age
The family is the basic unit of society. On a bigger scale, this concept translates that we need stronger families to make a great nation.
Being a pivotal social institution, the family is a socially recognized group that forms an emotional connection among its members.

Family and Parenting Functions
To ensure the continuation of society, the family has these primary functions:
- Biologically — through procreation
- Socially — through socialization and raising socially-aware adults
Family and parenting work hand in hand in teaching children the ways and values of a society. Parents pose as the first role models in a young child’s life. A lot of a child’s actions and reactions are reflections of the kind of parents they have.

Most especially, a family molds the child into an acceptable member of society.
Unconditional Love and Support
More often than not, it’s the family that is our last shield. Parents love their children unconditionally even if they are already grown-ups, in spite of their shortcomings.
They are the last people who would turn their backs on the person they have sired. So no matter what happens, a family remains because of the blood connection.

They just can’t take them their children for granted, for a member of a family is responsible for each other.
Parents and Social Media
Meanwhile, social media networks have become vital channels for human daily interactions. Users rely heavily on these platforms to keep in touch with others, share daily experiences and struggles, as well as get information.
- Related: Parenting in the Digital Age

Families use social media, too. We even have family groups and group chats so that all family members are updated about each other.
Facts and Figures About Parents Using Social Media
Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan American think tank that provides information on social issues, public opinion, and demographic trends, conducted a study.
They reported 75% of American parents are into social media. This is the platform they turn to for parenting-related information and social support.
Additionally, the same research showed, that:
81% of these parents who use social media, try to respond to good news within their network. Meanwhile, 58% of them try to respond when a friend or an acquaintance shares bad news online.

74% of them get support from their network and 71% try to respond if they know the answer to a question posted by someone in their network.
Additionally, 75% of these parents on social media use Facebook more than other social media platforms. 94% of Facebook-using parents share, post, or comment on Facebook with 70% of them “frequently” or “sometimes” doing so.
Heavy Traffic in Family and Parenting Networks
This is how parents actively and heavily utilize social media nowadays. Moreover, this is how they share insights about their parenting styles and experiences that most people find inspiring and helpful.
The level of trust that the netizens give to these parents who are social media savvy, gave rise to parenting or family influencers who are trusted by brands.
Their services are being engaged in product launchings, brand awareness, online promotions, and other marketing strategies.

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Mommy Sigrid was tapped to make a vlog on the launching of the Covilyzer UV antivirus disinfectant lamp in the Philippines.
Family-Focused Influencers and Bloggers
These bloggers and influencers do not only include Moms but also Dads who are actively sharing a part of their life to the netizens.
From a Mom’s pregnancy or breastfeeding journey to a Dad’s DIY projects or first baby diapering experience–these stories are very interesting.
Netizens are very supportive of posts that are shared daily on vlogs, blogs, and other favorite social media platforms. Please follow us on Youtube: SistersActKidsCanTell
The Rise of Mommy Bloggers and Influencers
Given the power of social media in this era of digital information, many parenting or family-focused bloggers and influencers are becoming social media superstars.
Since we are given a peek into their lives and home, they become a great help in practical living.

Moreover, their mommy blogs and social media channels give inspiration to parents and families who are going through the same phase or circumstance.
Their influence is organic and their contents are reflections of genuine concern for the youth, other parents, and people from all walks of life.
Contact Mommy Sigrid
Want to engage Mommy Sigrid for your product or service?
- About: Mommy Sigrid, Home and Parenting Blog
- Facebook: Mommy Sigrid, Lovingly Mama
- Instagram: @lovingly_mama
- YT: SistersActKidsCanTell
- Email: sigroid75@gmail.com

Stories About Family and Parenting
Meanwhile, here are stories about the family and parenting that you might be interested in.
- Get your family out of debt even during the Covid-19 pandemic. Here are some Tips to be Debt-Free During the Covid-19 Pandemic | Financial Wellness
- It is a good idea to have a family goal and encouraging all the family members to help reach it — whatever it is. Read ours: Setting a Family Goal and Working Together to Achieve It
- Children, especially singletons, tend to have an imaginary friend as they grow up. Many are harmless. What if this unseen friend, isn’t so nice? Find out more: A Child’s Imaginary Friend: Is it Always Safe
- Our kids may have a sheltered childhood. However, life is not a bed of roses so it is best to gradually guide them about challenges and difficulties. Here are tips about Teaching Kids to Cope with Disappointment.
- Hubby and I have made it our commitment not to raise entitled and spoiled brats. That is the reason why We Don’t Give Kids Everything they Ask.
- Before we settled down, hubby and I have already decided that we will take the homeschooling path. And we are just so glad we did when Covid-19 happened. Read: Benefits of Homeschooling at This Time